About a year ago, I posted a six part series explaining how to set up a continuous integration process for your Flex projects. Since then I have been refining the process when I have had a spare moment. One of the hassles I found when trying to setup continuous integration on a new machine was getting the python based flash log parser working. I decided to remove the python dependency altogether and create a jar that parses the flash logs.
So, grab the jar from here and unzip it to your externals/lib directory. Then add the following properties to your build:
<property name="logParser" value="${lib}/FlashLogParser.jar"/> <property name="flashStatus.location" value="${logs}/status.txt"/> <property name="flashOutput.location" value="${logs}/TEST-testOutput.xml"/>
Then, change your parseFlashLog target to look like this:
<target name="parseFlashLog" description="parses flash log" depends="clean" > <java jar="${logParser}" failonerror="true" fork="true"> <arg line="'${flashlog.location}'"/> <arg line="'${flashStatus.location}'"/> <arg line="'${flashOutput.location}'"/> </java> </target>
Now you should be good to go…
In my next post I am going to do a full dissection of my latest build file – I have spent some time refining it over the last year, and I think its probably helpful to spend some time looking at it bit by bit…